Best Ways to Communicate With Tenants: Email, Text or Call?

With the convenience of modern communication tools, connecting with tenants has become incredibly straightforward.

However, amidst these advancements, landlords often struggle with the complexities of regulations and tenant preferences, leaving them uncertain about the most effective communication approach.

Determining whether to utilize text messaging, email correspondence, or phone calls can be a challenge for landlords, as each method has its own merits depending on the situation.

If you've ever found yourself unsure about which communication avenue to take or have never considered utilizing email or text messaging for tenant interactions, this article aims to provide clarity.

Each communication method serves a distinct purpose within the realm of rental management.

This article will outline the specific scenarios where one method may be preferable over another, offer strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of each medium, and guide you towards resources for further exploration of regulations and best practices.

Reasons to Call Your Tenants

There are several situations where it may be necessary or advantageous to call your tenant:

Urgent Maintenance Issues: If there's a critical maintenance issue such as a burst pipe, gas leak, or electrical problem that requires immediate attention, a phone call ensures prompt communication and action.

Important Notices or Updates: When conveying crucial information that requires immediate attention or clarity, such as changes in lease terms, rent increases, or policy updates, a phone call can offer a more personal touch and ensure that the message is received clearly.


Emergency Situations: In cases of emergencies like fires, natural disasters, or security concerns, a phone call is the fastest and most direct way to reach your tenant and ensure their safety.

Sensitive or Delicate Matters: If there are sensitive issues to discuss such as complaints from neighbors, lease violations, or concerns about tenant behavior, a phone call allows for a more nuanced and private conversation compared to written communication.

Building Rapport: Occasionally, it's beneficial to touch base with tenants via phone to build rapport, address any concerns they may have, or simply check in on their satisfaction with the property and living conditions.

While phone calls are valuable for certain situations, it's essential to balance them with other communication methods like email and text messaging, which may be more suitable for routine matters or situations where a written record is necessary.

Reasons to Email Tenants

Email can be a useful communication tool for landlords to connect with their tenants in various situations:

Official Notices and Documentation: Email is often used to send official notices, such as lease agreements, rental payment receipts, or notices of lease renewal or termination. It provides a convenient and trackable way to deliver important documents to tenants.

Paper Trail: Email creates a written record of communication between landlords and tenants, which can be beneficial for both parties. It ensures clarity and accountability by documenting agreements, requests, or discussions, which can help prevent misunderstandings or disputes later on.


Privacy and Convenience: Email offers tenants the flexibility to review and respond to messages at their convenience, without the need for real-time communication. It respects their privacy by allowing them to address issues or inquiries on their own time.

Emergency Preparedness: Email can be a useful tool for emergency preparedness, allowing landlords to quickly disseminate important information or instructions to tenants in the event of emergencies such as severe weather, power outages, or building evacuations.

Remote Communication: In situations where landlords and tenants are not in close proximity, such as when managing properties from a distance or during travel, email provides a convenient means of communication that transcends geographical barriers.

Overall, email offers landlords a versatile and efficient way to communicate with tenants for various purposes, from official notices to routine updates, while also providing a documented record of communication for reference and accountability.

Reasons to Text Your Tenants

Text messaging can be a valuable communication tool for landlords in certain scenarios:

Appointment Reminders: Text messages are effective for sending appointment reminders to tenants, whether it's for property inspections, maintenance appointments, or rent collection dates. This helps reduce missed appointments and ensures that tenants are aware of scheduled events.


Accessibility and Convenience: Text messages are accessible to most people, and many tenants prefer this mode of communication due to its convenience. Texts can be sent and received easily from mobile devices, allowing for quick communication without the need for formalities or lengthy conversations.

Overall, text messaging offers landlords a quick, convenient, and accessible means of communication with tenants, particularly for urgent notifications, appointment reminders, and quick updates.

It can complement other communication methods like email and phone calls, providing an additional avenue for maintaining effective communication with tenants.

Best Practices for Tenant Communication

Schedule Calls in Advance: Whenever possible, try to schedule phone calls with your tenants in advance. This shows respect for their time and allows them to prepare for the conversation.

Be Professional and Courteous: Approach each conversation with professionalism and courtesy. Start the conversation with a polite greeting and maintain a respectful tone throughout the discussion.

Prepare Beforehand: Gather all necessary information and documents relevant to the discussion. This ensures that you can address any questions or concerns efficiently.

Clearly Communicate Purpose: Clearly communicate the purpose of the conversation Whether it's to discuss maintenance issues, lease renewals, or general updates, letting the tenant know the reason for the call helps set expectations.


Listen Actively: Practice active listening during the conversation. Give the tenant ample opportunity to express their thoughts, concerns, or questions, and make sure to address them respectfully and thoroughly.

Stay Focused: Keep the conversation focused on the topic at hand and avoid getting sidetracked by unrelated issues. If additional matters arise during the conversation, you can always schedule another time to discuss them.

Document the Conversation: Take notes during the call to document key points discussed, any agreements reached, or actions to be taken. This helps ensure clarity and accountability for both parties.

Respect Privacy: Be mindful of the tenant's privacy during the conversation. Avoid discussing sensitive or personal matters in public places where others may overhear.

Be Responsive: If the tenant contacts you, respond promptly. Even if you can't address their concerns immediately, acknowledging their message shows that you value their communication.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your phone calls with tenants are productive, respectful, and conducive to maintaining a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Bottom Line

Having effective communication with your residents is essential to having a smooth-sailing tenancy. If you have any questions about managing tenant relations, get in touch with the experts at Schambs Property Management. We can make your landlord experience completely stress-free!

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