
Raleigh is the best place to experience Southern hospitality in one of the fastest-growing markets in the US. But aside from the job market, you also get access to top universities, a fantastic food scene and charming neighborhoods.

The atmosphere in Raleigh is warm and family friendly. Raleigh i...

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Operating a rental property means strictly observing the economy. An upturn in the economy and high demand for properties in Cary, NC, means it's time to reassess your rental price. Have you been maintaining the rent steadily in the past years or so? You can then decide to adjust it to pay for mor...

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As a property owner, you must consider whether you will rent your property furnished or not.

Furnishing a rental property can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000, depending on the size of the unit and the market it serves. When you combine this cost with the unpredictable nature of tenants, your...

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What is a 10-Day Notice to Quit?

The 10-Day Notice to Quit in North Carolina is a legal document the property owner serves to the tenant in an attempt to fix a lease violation or non-payment of rent. It’s essential to observe the practice of serving proper notices to avoid prolonging the eviction...

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When moving to a new home, your first though may be to sell your current house. But there is a chance that you won’t be able to sell your home at the price you want, and you might not be able to sell your property as quickly as you want.

The good news is that aside from selling your current home,...

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